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Curated by Miriam Kelly
Abdul Abdullah, Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Brook Andrew, Drew Bickford, Arthur Boyd, Burchill / McCamley, Sarah Contos, Yvette Coppersmith, Hannah Cutts, eX de Medici, Christine Dean, Christopher Dean, Leah Emery, Lucas Grogan, Marie Hagerty, Emily Hunt, Richard Larter, Tara Marynowsky, David McDiarmid, Stephanie Monteith, Dorota Mytych, Scott Redford, Alex Seton, Darren Siwes, TextaQueen and Yaritji Young.
Tearing open the ‘perforated pages’ of the Artbank collection, Sealed Section reveals works that canvas the topics of impolite dinner conversation: sex, politics and religion. Underpinning these often controversial topics is a consideration of the complexities of human relations and the human condition. As a result, Sealed Section includes a rich and diverse group of works that highlight the strength and pertinence of contemporary art as a response to the key issues of our time.