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Curated by Clothilde Bullen
Ian Abdulla, Gordon Bennett, Paddy Carlton, Karen Casey, Lorraine ConnellyNorthey, Karla Dickens, Gilgi Edwards , Robert Fielding, Leah King-Smith, Danie Mellor, Tracey Moffatt, Lesley Murray, Lofty Bardayal Nadjamerrek, Clinton Nain, Dorothy Napangardi, Christopher Pease, Shane Pickett, Kutuwalumi Purawarrumpatu (Kitty Kantilla), Rammey Ramsey, Alick Tipoti, James Tylor, Owen Yalandja, Tiger Yaltangki.
Art of the marginalised and dispossessed can transcend language and communicate the unheard voice of the mark maker. The title of this exhibition refers to the work of Indigenous artists whose imagery take them beyond the fringe to the centre of a narrative that challenges what we think we know about our colonial past. Drawing from the Artbank collection, complimented with select loans, Darkness on the Edge of Town presents works by a diverse range of Aboriginal artists that unapologetically challenge ideas round identity and power through a postcolonial perspective.