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Alana Hunt
The good ol days of travelling… when the family would all pack into the freshly cleaned Camry, surrounded by bags and belongings. 40 minutes down the road we’d already be opening the chip packets there to keep us kids satisfied, only to have them gather around our feet and pressed into the carpet. After a while we’d get sick of chatting, playing games – throwing chips at one another and would just look out the window, watching the empty, dry, grassy planes pass by.
On one of these occasions in the early 2000’s there was a locust plague in regional NSW, this time the landscape wasn’t empty, but swarming with life, a beautiful and destructive spectacle that enveloped us (inside our car) En Masse for hours. Alana Hunt’s work evokes memories like these; of being caught in unprecedented times, between seismic forces and of feeling isolated; but only for a time. Now, as I work from home during the current pandemic and look out my window, hand plunged in a packet of chips, Alana’s work reminds me that these things are seasonal and that sometime soon as life returns back to normal, I might again resume travelling.
Staff Pick - Jack Harman
Meet the Artbank team
Jack Harman - Programme Officer/ Artwork Technician
Jack Harman is an artist, independent curator and daydreamer based in Sydney. He joined the Artbank team in 2018 as an Artwork Technician, using his extensive knowledge as an artist and installer he is able to install just about any artwork on any wall.
His own arts practice is primarily a means to negotiate his internal curiosities and wonderings within a broader sociological and ecological context. Each project is conceptually driven, determining the choice of method and materials of investigation, with a particular interest in the photographic as translator of experimental processes, as well as his formative childhood years – he has produced sculptural installations, photographic, video and research based works.
Recent solo exhibitions include Waiting for Cache… (2019) and I think in pictures, you teach in words (2019) and selected group and curatorial projects; Photomechanical (cur, 2020) and New Lifeworld (cur, 2018).